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Tag: SCC

Recession Proof Jobs in Supply Chain

Recession proof jobs are a hot topic in the post-Pandemic world. Economic turbulence plagues much of the world, causing rippling effects on supply chains here at home. It is likely that there will be an economic downturn in the not too distant future, if not a recession. Indicators are hard to read and forecasts vary depending on which expert you engage. The clouds on the economic horizon have been accompanied by the thunder of layoffs and restructuring.  And the lightning is getting closer to your desk. So, why not prepare for the worst and hope for the best?  Here [...]

By |January 10, 2023|Tags: |

Challenges for Supply Chain Human Resources

Sourcing and finding talent in the Pandemic era has posed significant challenges in most every industry. Supply chain human resources partners have been tasked with an additional burden of finding top-tier talent that can adapt to a rapidly changing field and work place. What are some of the most common challenges facing supply chain HR partners and how can they overcome them without missing out on the best talent? Supply Chain Talent Shortage As the Pandemic settled upon the world, everything came to a halt. We all remember the twilight zone-esque feeling of not knowing what was going to [...]

By |December 23, 2022|Tags: |
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