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Category: Hiring & Recruiting

Proactive Ways to Enhance Your Logistics Hiring and Recruitment Process

Is your logistics organization suffering because of a broken hiring and recruitment process? Tired of losing candidates because they are going through too many rounds of onsite interviews? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then it’s time to focus on optimizing your logistics hiring and recruiting process. To stay on top of your logistics hiring demands in today’s market, it’s imperative that you focus on doing whatever it takes to remove any sort of bottlenecks that delay your ability to make quick and successful hiring decisions and can lead to poor candidate experience.  Here are a [...]

By |June 11, 2021|

Recruitment Marketing Strategies that Attract Supply Chain Talent

Your company might have solid supply chain talent, but are your recruitment marketing strategies attracting the best possible workers? The truth is that the people in charge of a company’s supply chain can make or break a business's finances. Even paying upfront for a costlier, more experienced manager can save your company money in the long run -- and these results are proven. According to some reports, 79% of companies with high-performing supply chains have greater than average revenue growth and 15% lower supply chain costs. Optimized supply chains also come with cash-to-cash cycles that are three times faster. [...]

By |May 11, 2021|

6 Creative Ways to Find S&OP Talent (INFOGRAPHIC)

If your primary recruiting strategy for S&OP talent is “posting and praying”, you have already committed your first mistake. There’s a sea of top performers that are content in their current roles and are rarely surfing the job boards, so if you think you’re going to find top sales & operations planning talent through a job advertisement, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. To generate a strong candidate slate, you’ll need to expand your sourcing tactics beyond job postings in order to discover and land the most qualified individuals. Here are a few candidate sourcing channels we recommend to improve [...]

Offer Evaluation and Negotiation Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some quick tips to consider when you find yourself in offer evaluation and negotiation mode: DO Do research the average salary and average salary ranges for the type of job you’re interviewing for. Do research the company to determine opportunity for career growth, company reputation, etc. Do withhold salary information for as long as possible until you’ve learned more details about the job, company, etc. Do concern yourself with the type of work you’ll be doing and the opportunity for growth as much as you concern yourself with initial starting compensation. Do ensure that the compensation that’s [...]

By |May 21, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

ASCM Career Coach Webinar: How to Properly Vet and Assess Supply Chain Candidates

Attend the upcoming "ASCM Career Coach Webinar: How to Properly Vet and Assess Supply Chain Candidates" presented by ASCM Career Coach and SCM Talent Group President Rodney Apple, and take an indepth look at best practices to assess supply chain candidates. Date: March 5th, 2020 Time: 12pm-1pm CT By attending this webinar, you will receive: Common mistakes employers make when assessing talent, and how to course correct How to quickly, but accurately, screen resumes to find the most qualified candidates Best practices for interviewing candidates, from phone to video to face-to-face How to structure interview guides and other [...]

By |February 12, 2020|

What Does Top Supply Chain Talent Look for in an Employer?

Is your organization struggling to retain top supply chain talent?  If you have high turnover within your supply chain department, it may be time to take a look at how you can internally optimize aspects of your department in order to retain talent and create happier, longer-tenured employees. While a paycheck is extremely motivating, there are other important factors to consider that keep employees satisfied and more likely to stay within your supply chain organization:  Potential for Career Growth  Employees want to work for an organization where they can learn, grow and develop both personally and professionally. The ability [...]

By |January 8, 2020|

6 Common Candidate Red Flags

Every company desires solid members on their supply chain team that can achieve desired results and possess professional attributes such as integrity, loyalty, and fits into the company’s work culture. How do you ensure you get that qualified candidate? One way to do this is to detect candidate red flags before you even interview them. It is critical to hire in a timely manner to get the candidate trained and up to speed. Spotting these red flags in advance can help to avoid mis-hires and ensures a better chance of the candidate working out long-term within your supply chain [...]

By |December 17, 2019|

The Proper Way to Respond to Job Applications

Think about the last time you filled out a job application. The stressful process of perfecting resumes and cover letters, searching through job boards for open opportunities, hitting that submit button, and then waiting. Your inbox may look something like this or it’s chock-full of the typical canned auto-replies that most companies send which basically states “thanks, but no thanks.'' So what can companies do to better engage applicants applying to their online job vacancies? And WHY haven’t they been able to advance beyond those highly insensitive “thanks, but no thanks” cookie cutter auto-replies? Just because an applicant isn’t [...]

By |November 22, 2019|

7 Strategies to Navigate the Trade and Tariff Volatility

Ever since the first tariffs were enacted on imports from China, many retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers have been in a panicked state. The tariffs have increased import prices on various products, leading to the choice for companies to absorb the costs themselves or pass onto consumers. This has also driven down consumer confidence as well, which is contributing to a slowing economy. Even with the talk of rollbacks, both economies have already suffered billions of dollars of losses. One recent study shows the tariffs threaten almost 1.5 million US jobs and more than $180 billion of nationwide economic activity.    [...]

By |November 14, 2019|

10 Competencies to Advance to Supply Chain Executive (Part 2 of 2)

As we discussed in Part 1, there is no magic formula to reach the most senior supply chain executive level.  Every company has a unique supply chain thus requiring varying degrees of experience, qualifications and skills.  Below you’ll find the next 5 core competencies that supply chain practitioners should aim to acquire in efforts to advance to the most senior supply chain executive level: Technology & Innovation In today’s digital era, customers demand a high degree of personalization and expect a rapid turnaround with every order placed. Supply chain executives need to have the strategic ability and know-how to [...]

By |November 6, 2019|
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